Warfarin/INR clinic
Sister Lynne Jones
Sister Lynne Jones runs the warfarin/INR clinic.
Warfarin/INR clinic - Useful information
Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant medication which thins your blood. People taking Warfarin need regular monitoring using a blood test called 'INR', which stands for International Normalised Ratio. The result allows us to maintain the ratio witnin the set target range.
It is performed by a finger prick test with the result available within 2 minutes so that we can adjust the dose of Warfarin accordingly.
The INR clinics are run at Pencoed Medical Centre on a Monday afternoon and at our branch surgery on Thursday afternoon.
There are many factors that can affect the INR ratio including certain medications which are prescribed and those that can be bought over the counter. If you are prescribed Warfarin and have to take any other medication - either prescribed or purchased over the counter - you must tell the prescriber or Pharmacist that you take Warfarin.
Similarly, certain foods and drinks can affect the way your Warfarin is metabolised and cause the ratio to fall or rise. A list of these foods can be obtained by visiting the website below.
Further information can also be sought during your clinic appointment.
It is vital that you attend your appointment as instructed by the clinic nurse.
Alternative appointments may be arranged if you are unable to attend or need extra testing for hospital procedures or dental treatment.