Travel clinic

Information about our travel clinic
If you're lucky enough to be travelling to exotic locations, then make an appointment to see one of our experienced nursing team early on in your planning. We can supply most of the jabs that you require, but remember that some immunisations have to be given well in advance of your travel date, so check early. Our nurses can also advise about malaria prophylaxis (this is usually purchased directly from the Chemist).
Useful websites:

Air Travel and Pregnancy
This is a common query. Many pregnant women ask us about air travel - when to fly, complications and precautions etc. You can find reliable information in this leaflet written by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
If you need to use your EHIC card
This video has been jointly produced by the Department of Health and the British Embassy in Madrid to explain how to use the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in Spain. The EHIC can only be used in public hospitals. It entitles the cardholder to any medically necessary treatment that cannot wait until they return home. For more information, visit www.healthcareinspain.eu.
How to apply sunscreen
If you're lucky enough to be visiting a hot country for your holiday, an expert explains why it is important to protect your skin from sunburn to help avoid skin cancer. She also gives advice on how to apply sunscreen correctly and what to look out for when buying sun cream.
Malaria is a parasitic infection spread by mosquitoes. This video explains how malaria is treated and what can be done to help prevent contracting the disease. More information about Malaria
How to prevent dehydration
Dehydration means your body loses more fluids than you take in. If it isn’t treated it can get worse and become a serious problem. This video shows how you can reduce the risk of dehydration.