Diabetes clinic, useful websites and Apps

Sister Tina Morgan
Our diabetes clinic is led by Sister Tina Morgan, supported by Dr Gail Price our Diabetes lead Doctor

Diabetes clinic - Useful information
Diabetes clinics are held on Thursdays at our main Pencoed surgery and on Tuesdays at our branch surgery.
Diabetes blood tests need to be taken prior to your review. Ideally these should be taken up to 2 weeks before your appointment but blood tests taken in the preceding month will be acceptable. Your urine sample (annual requirement) to test for protein levels should be brought along to your blood test appointment so that they can both go off together to the lab by courier. You should provide the sample in a white topped plastic bottle. You can obtain one of these white top bottles from the reception desk ahead of your appointment (so that you can do the sample before leaving home) or, if you prefer, you can do a sample when you arrive.
Please, please, please if you are unable to make your appointment, please let us know to cancel in good time so that we can offer the appointment slot to other people. These appointments are precious and it really helps us a lot if you let us know beforehand if you can't make it.
We know that our patients like to look for diabetes information online, so our nurses have given a list of approved websites and Apps (see bottom of the page) for you to use:
What is diabetes?
The incidence of diabetes is increasing steadily and we now have more diabetic patients than ever before (one of the reasons why our clinics are so busy). If you've recently been told that you have diabetes, it can be a little daunting and the first thing most patients do is to look for more information online. In this short film, the experts at Diabetes UK explain what you need to know about diabetes. If you've just been told you have diabetes and you're waiting for an appointment with Tina, it may help to jot a few questions down so that you can ask her at your appointment
Apps for iOS (Apple) and Android devices (click on logo for your device App)
iOS, Apple devices
DAFNE Online is a support network for people with Type 1 Diabetes who have attended the Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating course - providing news, forums, carbohydrate lists and an online blood glucose diary.
Register at www.dafneonline.co.uk
With the DAFNE Online app, you can take DAFNE with you wherever you go, allowing you to record blood glucose, medication and upload this information to your DAFNE Online account, as well as looking up Carbohydrate Portion (CP) information without an Internet connection
DAFNE Online is a support network for people with Type 1 Diabetes who have attended the Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating course - providing news, forums, carbohydrate lists and an online blood glucose diary.
Register at www.dafneonline.co.uk
With the DAFNE Online app, you can take DAFNE with you wherever you go, allowing you to record blood glucose, medication and upload this information to your DAFNE Online account, as well as looking up Carbohydrate Portion (CP) information without an Internet connection
Carbs & Cals
iOS and Apple devices
(Text from Carbs & cals) Other calorie counting apps boast 5 MILLION+ FOODS, but **news flash** nobody actually eats 5 million foods! In reality, people eat the same things on a regular basis, so instead of showing you a long list of irrelevant foods, we think it’s much more useful to show you PHOTOS of the most common foods people eat.
Carbs & Cals
(Text from Carbs & Cals) Other calorie counting apps boast 5 MILLION+ FOODS, but **news flash** nobody actually eats 5 million foods! In reality, people eat the same things on a regular basis, so instead of showing you a long list of irrelevant foods, we think it’s much more useful to show you PHOTOS of the most common foods people eat.
My Fitness Pal
iOS and Apple devices
(My Fitness Pal text) Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, the fastest and easiest-to-use calorie counter for iOS. With the largest food database by far (over 5,000,000 foods) and amazingly fast and easy food and exercise entry, we'll help you take those extra pounds off! And it's FREE! There is no better diet app - period
My Fitness Pal
(My Fitness Pal text) Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, the fastest and easiest-to-use calorie counter for iOS. With the largest food database by far (over 5,000,000 foods) and amazingly fast and easy food and exercise entry, we'll help you take those extra pounds off! And it's FREE! There is no better diet app - period
Click on the files below to download a word document about diabetes and coronavirus (documents in Welsh and English)